“I have been talking to a company about a research project, what’s next?”
OSATT Core can help you start developing, negotiating and launching engagements with non-federal research sponsors and collaborators. We have expertise in structuring sponsored research agreements with industry (ISRAs) and industry consortium agreements and can help identify – and mitigate - the risks that are often present in complex research collaborations. Contact OSATT Core at osatt@mit.edu.
“I need a DUA, NDA or MTA for my research.”
The NDA/DUA/MTA team is now known as the Hermes Team and the former NDA/DUA submission portal has been enhanced to include MTA requests. You may submit requests via the Hermes Portal at hermes.mit.edu.
If your NDA, DUA or MTA is not for research purposes, please see below:
NDA for the purpose of entering into license negotiations should be requested through the Technology Licensing Office (TLO) via this intake form.
Agreements that are part of an acquisition by MIT should go to Vice President for Finance (VPF) Contracts at vpf-contracts@mit.edu.
Sending materials to a company for the purpose of evaluation as part of license negotiations should be sent to the Technology Licensing Office (TLO) at tlo@mit.edu.
If you have questions, contact the Hermes Team at Hermes-team@mit.edu.
“What if I need an NDA for consulting…”
MIT does not negotiate personal consulting agreements, but the Office of the General Counsel (OGC) does provide some helpful resources here.
“I don’t know exactly how to describe my engagement--I’d just like to get some information about what type of agreement I need."
OSATT Core can help answer questions like these and direct you to the office that is best suited to assist. Please send a message to osatt@mit.edu.
“A sponsor would like to support a research project on the same terms it has used in the past. Can I do this?"
Possibly, but it would depend on whether there have been any changes in MIT policy or applicable laws since the prior research engagement that must be reflected in the contract, and if your situation is similar enough to the previous one that the same terms apply. OSATT Core can assist in reviewing the prior agreement, and deciding how it can be used (or modified) to suit your current purpose. Contact us at osatt@mit.edu.
“How does RAS work with OSATT Core?”
Research Administration Services (RAS) and OSATT Core consult each other on many issues related to supporting MIT’s sponsored research and other projects. Generally, RAS is primarily responsible for managing federal and non-profit (e.g., foundation) proposals and agreements. OSATT Core has expertise in structuring and negotiating industry-sponsored agreements, international engagements, and those which require customized or negotiated terms. However, all Institute proposals must be submitted through RAS and all sponsored agreements are currently executed by authorized signatories in RAS. OSATT Core’s alliance management team can provide assistance to faculty and department administrators with the launch and implementation of the terms and conditions of certain executed agreements. To manage their close coordination, OSATT Core and RAS have developed workflows for managing requests, assignments and execution of agreements.